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The VVEDIT viral vector platform specializes in the development of “defective” viral vectors, meaning viral particles that can no longer replicate within the host cell or spread into the extracellular environment. Our expertise encompasses four main types of vectors: adenoviral vectors, known for their strong but transient expression of the insert, although they elicit a significant inflammatory response; lentiviral vectors, which integrate into the host genome, allowing for stable expression in cell lines; and AAVs, which are widely used in vivo due to their ability to maintain long-term expression without inducing a significant inflammatory response. These AAVs are available in various natural and synthetic serotypes, optimized to target specific cell subtypes. VVEDIT is also dedicated to genome editing and transgenesis, utilizing specific inserts to express CRISPR-Cas9 tools tailored to various genome editing applications, ensuring maximum precision and efficiency in our research and development projects.


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