Tristan Cardon

  • PostDoc

is a postdoctoral researcher at the Université de Lille, Inserm, CHU Lille, U1192 – Protéomique Réponse Inflammatoire Spectrométrie de Masse (PRISM) in Lille, France.
His research focuses on the identification of alternative proteins in various pathologies such as glioma, breast cancer, and ovarian cancer through mass spectrometry and proteogenomics. He also specializes in interactomic analyses using crosslink-MS and the identification of immunopeptides. Tristan’s current projects investigate the role of AltProts in the MHC-I system of immunopeptide presentation.

Recipient of the French Proteomic Society (FPS) Thesis Award and the Best Poster Award at Analytics 2022, Tristan serves as Secretary of FPS and is a member of the European Proteomic Association (EuPA) communication board. He is an active contributor to data management as a corresponding member for LORD (Lille Open Research Data) and manages PRISM’s websites.

With 23 publications to his name, Tristan’s notable contributions include works such as Alternative proteins are functional regulators in cell reprogramming by PKA activation (Nucleic Acids Research, 2020) and Deciphering the ghost proteome in ovarian cancer cells by deep proteogenomic characterization (Cell Death & Disease, 2024). He is also a Review Editor for Molecular and Cellular Oncology.

In addition to his research, Tristan is heavily involved in organizing scientific events, including RFMF2026 and SMAP2024, both held in Lille. Since joining PRISM in 2016, he has been instrumental in advancing the lab’s mission, contributing to diverse projects, and teaching mass spectrometry, proteomics, and proteogenomics at the Université de Lille and the École Centrale de Lille.


list of his publications :
1. Quanico J, Franck J, Cardon T, Leblanc E, Wisztorski M, Salzet M, et al. NanoLC-MS coupling of liquid microjunction microextraction for on-tissue proteomic analysis. Biochim Biophys Acta – Proteins Proteomics 2017; 1865:891–900.
2. Simeone P, Trerotola M, Franck J, Cardon T, Marchisio M, Fournier I, et al. The multiverse nature of epithelial to mesenchymal transition. Semin Cancer Biol 2018.
3. Cardon T, Salzet M, Franck J, Fournier I. Nuclei of HeLa cells interactomes unravel a network of ghost proteins involved in proteins translation. Biochim Biophys Acta – Gen Subj 2019.
4. Mallah K, Quanico J, Raffo-Romero A, Cardon T, Aboulouard S, Devos D, et al. Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Lipids in Experimental Model of Traumatic Brain Injury Detecting Acylcarnitines as Injury Related Markers. Anal Chem 2019;91:11879–87.
5. Mallah K, Quanico J, Raffo-Romero A, Cardon T, Aboulouard S, Devos D, et al. Mapping Spatiotemporal Microproteomics Landscape in Experimental Model of Traumatic Brain Injury Unveils a link to Parkinson’s Disease. Mol Cell Proteomics 2019;18:1669–82.
6. Vergara D, Nigro A, Romano A, De Domenico S, Damato M, Franck J, Cardon T, et al. Distinct Protein Expression Networks are Activated in Microglia Cells after Stimulation with IFN-γ and IL-4. Cells 2019;8:580.
7. Cardon T, Fournier I, Salzet M. Sars-cov-2 interactome with human ghost proteome: A neglected world encompassing a wealth of biological data. Microorganisms 2020;8:1–12.
8. Cardon T*, Murgoci AN*, Aboulouard S, Duhamel M, Fournier I, Cizkova D, et al. Reference and Ghost Proteins Identification in Rat C6 Glioma Extracellular Vesicles. IScience 2020;23:101045.
9. Wisztorski M, Saudemont P, Aboulouard S, Cardon T, Narducci F, Robin Y-M, et al. Fallopian tube lesions as potential precursors of early ovarian cancer: a comprehensive proteomic analysis. Cell Death & Disease volume 14, Article number: 644 (2023). 10.1038/s41419-023-06165-5.
10. Cardon T*, Hervé F*, Delcourt V, Roucou X, Salzet M, Franck J, et al. Optimized Sample Preparation Workflow for Improved Identification of Ghost Proteins. Anal Chem 2020;92:1122–9.
11. Cardon T, Ozcan B, Aboulouard S, Kobeissy F, Duhamel M, Rodet F, et al. Epigenetic Studies Revealed a Ghost Proteome in PC1/3 KD Macrophages under Antitumoral Resistance Induced by IL-10 2020;2:39.
12. Cardon T, Franck J, Coyaud E, Laurent EMN, Damato M, Maffia M, et al. Alternative proteins are functional regulators in cell reprogramming by PKA activation. Nucleic Acids Res 2020.
13. Cardon T, Fournier I, Salzet M. Unveiling a Ghost Proteome in the Glioblastoma Non-Coding RNAs. Front Cell Dev Biol 2021:3662.
14. Rose M, Cardon T, Aboulouard S, Hajjaji N, Kobeissy F, Duhamel M, et al. Surfaceome Proteomic of Glioblastoma Revealed Potential Targets for Immunotherapy. Front Immunol 2021;12:3942.
15. Cardon T, Fournier I, Salzet M. Shedding Light on the Ghost Proteome. Trends Biochem Sci 2021:239–50.
16. Damato M, Cardon T, Wisztorski M, Fournier I, Pieragostino D, Cicalini I, et al. Protein kinase c activation drives a differentiation program in an oligodendroglial precursor model through the modulation of specific biological networks. Int J Mol Sci 2021;22:5245.
17. Mallah K, Zibara K, Kerbaj C, Eid A, Khoshman N, Ousseily Z, Cardon T, et al. Neurotrauma investigation through spatial omics guided by mass spectrometry imaging: Target identification and clinical applications. Mass Spectrom Rev 2021:189–205.
18. Aboulouard S, Wisztorski M, Duhamel M, Saudemont P, Cardon T, Narducci F, et al. In-depth proteomics analysis of sentinel lymph nodes from individuals with endometrial cancer. Cell Reports Med 2021;2:100318.
19. Duhamel M, Drelich L, Wisztorski M, Aboulouard S, Gimeno JP, Ogrinc N, Cardon T, et al. Spatial analysis of the glioblastoma proteome reveals specific molecular signatures and markers of survival. Nat Commun 2022;13:1–16.
20. Hajjaji N, Aboulouard S, Cardon T, Bertin D, Robin YM, Fournier I, et al. Path to Clonal Theranostics in Luminal Breast Cancers. Front Oncol 2022;11:5481.
21. Cardon T*, Garcia-del Rio DF*, Eyckerman S, Fournier I, Bonnefond A, Gevaert K, et al. Employing non-targeted interactomics approach and subcellular fractionation to increase our understanding of the ghost proteome. IScience 2023;26:105943.
22. Garcia-del Rio DF, Fournier I, Cardon T* and Salzet M* Identification of human subcellular alternative protein interaction using crosslinking mass spectrometry. Star Protocols 2023
23. Garcia-del Rio DF, Derhourhi M, Bonnefond A, Leblanc S, Guilloy N, Roucou X, Eyckerman S, Gevaert K, Salzet M, Cardon T Deciphering the ghost proteome in ovarian cancer cells by deep proteogenomic characterization Cell Death & Disease 2024.