Nathalie VASSEUR

  • Logistic Technician

Cleaning Technician, she is dedicated to ensuring a clean and safe working environment for all our researchers and staff. With a keen focus on hygiene and cleanliness, she is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of laboratories, offices, common areas, and equipment. Her responsibilities include routine cleaning tasks such as sweeping, mopping, dusting, and disinfecting surfaces to meet our strict cleanliness standards.

In addition to general cleaning, she also ensures that laboratory spaces are maintained in compliance with health and safety regulations. By maintaining a pristine and hygienic environment, she plays a crucial role in preventing contamination and supporting the overall efficiency of research activities.

Her meticulous work helps to create a conducive atmosphere for scientific research, ensuring that the lab remains a safe and productive space for all members.

+33 (0)3 20 43 68 73
Avenue Paul Langevin - Bâtiment SN3 - 1er étage - Porte 105 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex