Lydia Ziane Chaouche
is a postdoctoral researcher at the Université de Lille within the PRISM laboratory – U1192 Inserm (Protéomique Réponse Inflammatoire Spectrométrie de Masse). Her research focuses on the development of next-generation CAR macrophages and the identification of novel target antigens for CAR therapy in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC). She earned her PhD in Health Biology from the Université de Lille in 2024, where she developed Furin-inhibited CAR macrophages (CAR-M) to enhance their anti-tumor activity. She has contributed to several high-impact scientific publications and is one of the co-holders of a patent (PCT/FR2024/050238) related to Furin-inhibited CAR macrophages. Beyond her research, Dr. Lydia Ziane Chaouche has mentored five students (two undergraduate and three Master’s 1) during their internships.
List of her publications : (1) Raffo-Romero, A., Ziane-Chaouche, L., Salomé-Desnoulez, S., Hajjaji, N., Fournier, I., Salzet, M., & Duhamel, M. (2024). A co-culture system of macrophages with breast cancer tumoroids to study cell interactions and therapeutic responses. Cell reports methods, 4(6), 100792. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crmeth.2024.100792. (2) Ziane-Chaouche, L., Raffo-Romero, A., Hajjaji, N., Kobeissy, F., Pinheiro, D., Aboulouard, S., Cozzani, A., Mitra, S., Fournier, I., Cizkova, D., Salzet, M., & Duhamel, M. (2024). Inhibition of furin in CAR macrophages directs them toward a proinflammatory phenotype and enhances their antitumor activities. Cell death & disease, 15(12), 879. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41419-024-07267-4. (3) Raffo-Romero, A., Ziane-Chaouche, L., Hajjaji, N., Salzet, M., & Duhamel, M. (2024). Protocol for generating a co-culture of macrophages with breast cancer tumoroids. STAR protocols, 6(1), 103536. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xpro.2024.103536