Laurine Lagache
Dr. Laurine Lagache is a postdoctoral researcher specializing in mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI MSI) and spatial proteomics, with a focus on deciphering molecular heterogeneity in cancer tissues. She is currently an ATER (Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche) at the Université de Lille, within the PRISM Inserm U1192 laboratory. Dr. Lagache earned her PhD in Health Biology from the Université de Lille in 2024, where she investigated protein identification and spatial lipidomics for cancer prognosis. Her research integrates advanced proteomic techniques, single-cell analysis, and organoid culture to enhance the understanding of breast cancer tumor biology. She has contributed to several high-impact scientific publications and has presented her findings at numerous international conferences. Her work on spatial proteomics and machine learning-based cancer diagnostics has been pivotal in advancing the field of molecular pathology. Beyond her research, Dr. Lagache is actively involved in teaching and mentoring students at the university level, supervising practical and theoretical coursework in biology and analytical sciences.
1) Laurine Lagache, Yanis Zirem, Émilie Le Rhun, Isabelle Fournier and Michel Salzet. Heterogeneity Assessment and Protein Pathway Prediction via Spatial Lipidomic and Proteomic Correlation: Advancing Dry Proteomics concept for Human Glioblastoma Prognosis. Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP, 100891. 5 Dec. 2024, doi:10.1016/j.mcpro.2024.100891.
2) Daniel Simon, Gabriel Stefan Horkovics-Kovats, Yuchen Xiang, Ronan Battle, Yu Wang, Julia Abda, Dimitris Papanastasiou, Stefania Maneta, Hui-Yu Ho, Haixing Wang, Richard Schäffer, Tamas Karancsi, Anna Mroz, Istvan Pap, Laurine Lagache, Julia Balog, Isabelle Fournier, Robert Murray, Josephine Bunch and Zoltan Takats. Enabling Cellular Resolution Molecular Pathology for Surgical Interventions Using Laser Desorption – Rapid Evaporative Ionization Mass spectrometry. ChemRxiv. 2024; doi:10.26434/chemrxiv-2023-p2g9h-v3.
3) Roussel Lucas, Zirem, Yanis, Lagache Laurine, Ledoux Lea, Meresse Bertand, Delbecke Marie and Leblanc Eric, Yagnik Gargey, Lim Marc J, Rothschild Kenneth J, Robin Yves-Marie, Pasquesoone Camille, Lemaire Anne-Sophie, Bertin Delphine, Narducci Fabrice, Hudry Dephin, Salzet Michel and Fournier Isabelle. Spidermass and Machine Learning-Based Lipids Immunoscoring Forwards Real Time Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis in Surgery. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4979013 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4979013.
4) Yanis Zirem, Léa Ledoux, Nina Ogrinc, Laurine Lagache, Roland Bourette, Chann Lagadec, Paul Chaillou, Michel Salzet and Isabelle Fournier. Development of Molecular Digital Twins Based on Ambient Ionization Mass Spectrometry Imaging for Application in Cancer Surgery.