Julien Franck
Dr. Julien Franck is Associate Professor at the University of Lille, where he has held a permanent position since September 2012 within the PRISM Laboratory (Inserm Unit 1192). Dr. Julien Franck co-head of the PRODIGY group (Protein Dynamics and Functional Interactions in Human Pathophysiology), is a specialist in mass spectrometry with extensive experience in bottom-up and top-down proteomics, spatial biology as well as interactomics. He is now developping strategies to investigate the DNA Dammage Response (DDR) though the analysis of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) at the proteoform level. In 2022, he was promoted to the rank of Senior Associate Professor (Maître de Conférences Hors Classe) through the local quota.
Dr. Julien Franck has authored over 45 publications in mass spectometry based proteomics and spatial biology inlcuding 5 first authors, 8 co-first authors and 2 co-corresponding authors. Some developments conducted by Dr Julien Franck have led to the creation of inovative methodologies, among them one was recognized this year as the “Method of the Year” by Nature Methods (2024 Spatial Proteomics)
Dr Julien Franck also holds a patent (PCT WO2021234319A1) dedicated to the detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by low temperature plasma et mass spectrometry (LTP-MS). Since 2021, he also the main coordinator the ANR STRUCTURAL (450keuros) and has just received 22.5keuros to start a new project to caracterize PTMs and the structure of a therapeutic target.
Since 2018, Dr. Julien Franck is co-responsible of the Mass Spectrometry Diploma (DU-MS) proposed by the Biology Department at Lille University. Since 2024, he is the International Relations Coordinator of the Biology Department. Since 2022, Dr. Julien Franck is a secretary of the French Society of Mass Spectrometry board. He is also member of the GDR-MSI board since 2021 to supervise the formation and the communication through social networks.
In 2023, he was one of the main organizers of the second GDR-MSI National Day in Lille. In 2024, he was a member of the local organizing committee of the Mass Spectrometry Applied to Proteomics (SMAP) conference in Lille, which brought 480 national and international participants together.
Dr Julien Franck is also involved in the supervision of PhD students (4) and master’s students