Gimeno Jean-Pascal

  • Engineers

From 2013 to 2022, Jean-Pascal Gimeno was incharge was the development of the Clic-imaging platform in the fields of proteomics and mass spectrometry imaging at the laboratory. Jean-Pascal Gimeno is also a co-author of 14 scientific papers across various fields.
Since 2021, he has shifted his focus to research within the PRODIGY group at the PRISM laboratory. His work concentrates on the development of structural protein analysis, with a particular emphasis on studying protein interactions within their cellular environment in their native state or within subcellular networks.
The primary goal is to develop a method for studying protein interactions and conformational changes in living cells. Unlike traditional hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX) studies, this approach relies on the use of H2O2 in the medium (FPOP: Fast Photochemical Oxidation of Proteins), which induces a permanent 16 Da modification that can occur across all amino acids. This distinctive feature offers a new way to study proteins and their dynamics, including conformational changes, under conditions closer to those encountered in biological environments. Cross-linking methods are also being developed to study protein-protein interactions (PPi) in biological functions that involve a multitude of proteins acting together in complex, interconnected systems, particularly in cellular processes, whether physiological or pathological.
Additionally, he works on understanding the mechanisms of the DNA damage response (DDR), particularly in the context of glioblastomas. To this end, TurboID methods are being explored to identify proximal protein-protein interactions responsible for DNA damage, proteoforms, and post-translational modifications.


1. Deciphering genetic and nongenetic factors underlying tumour dormancy: insights from multiomics analysis of two syngeneic MRD models of melanoma and leukemia. Biol Res. 2024 Sep 3;57(1):59/ DOI :10.1186/s40659-024-00540-y
• Spatial analysis of the glioblastoma proteome reveals specific molecular signatures and markers of survival. Nat Commun. 2022 Nov 4;13(1):6665.DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-34208-6
2. Global BioID based SARS CoV 2 proteins proximal i n t e r a c t o m e u n v e i l s novel ties between viral polypeptides and host factors involved in multiple COVID19 associated mechanisms.
3. Gross-Amat O, Guillen M, Gimeno JP, Salzet M, Lebonvallet N, Misery L, Auxenfans C, Nataf S Molecular Mapping of Hydrogen Sulfide Targets in Normal Human Keratinocytes Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jun 30;21(13):4648. doi: 10.3390/ijms211346
4. Lemaire Q, Raffo Romero A, Arab T, Van Camp C, Drago F, Forte S, Gimeno JP, Begard S, Colin M, Vizioli J, Sautière PE, Salzet M, Lefebvre C Isolation of microglia-derived extracellular vesicles : towards miRNA signatures and neuroprotection J Nanobiotechnology. 2019 Dec 4;17(1):119
5. Ogrinc N, Saudemont P, Balog J, Robin YM, Gimeno JP, Pascal Q, Tierny D, Takats Z, Salzet M, Fournier I Water-assisted laser desorption/ionizationmass spectrometry for minimally invasive in vivoand real-time surface analysis using SpiderMass Nature Protocols
6. Delcourt V, Franck J, Quanico J, Gimeno JP, Wisztorski M, Raffo-Romero A, Kobeissy F, Roucou X, Salzet M, Fournier I, Spatially-Resolved Top-down ProteomicsBridged to MALDI MS Imaging Reveals the MolecularPhysiome of Brain Regions Mol CellProteomics. 2018 Feb;17(2):357-372
7. Delcourt V, Franck J, Leblanc E, Narducci F, Robin YM, Gimeno JP, Quanico J, Wisztorski M, Kobeissy F, Jacques JF, Roucou X, Salzet M, Fournier I, Combined Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Top-down MicroproteomicsReveals Evidence of a HiddenProteome in Ovarian Cancer EBioMedicine. 2017 Jun 3. pii: S2352-3964(17)30229-3. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2017.06.001
8. Le Rhun E, Duhamel M, Wisztorski M, Gimeno JP, Zairi F, Escande D, Reyns N, Kobeissy F, Maurage CA, Salzet M, Fournier I, Evaluation of Non-Supervised MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging Combined to MicroProteomics for Glioma Grade III ClassificationBiochimBiophys Acta. 2017 Jul;1865(7):875-890. doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2016.11.012. Epub 2016 Nov 24
9. Quanico J, Gimeno JP, Nadal-Wollbold F, Casas C, Alvares-Georges S, Redoules D, Schmitt AM, Fournier I, Salzet M, Proteomic and transcriptomic investigation of acnevulgarismicrocystic and papularlesions: Insights in the understanding of itspathophysiologyBiochimBiophys Acta. 2017 Mar;1861(3):652-663. doi: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2016.10.021. Epub 2016 Oct 24
10. Food peptidomics of in vitro gastrointestinal digestions of partiallypurified bovine hemoglobin: low-resolution versus high-resolution LC-MS/MS analyses.Caron J, Chataigné G, Gimeno JP, Duhal N, Goossens JF, Dhulster P, Cudennec B, Ravallec R, Flahaut C.Electrophoresis. 2016 Jul;37(13):1814-22. doi: 10.1002/elps.201500559. Epub 2016 Apr 21.PMID:26990205
11. Wisztorski M, Desmons A, Quanico J, Fatou B, Gimeno JP, Franck J, Salzet M, Fournier I, Spatially-resolvedprotein surface microsamplingfrom tissue sections usingliquid extraction surface analysis Proteomics. 2016 Jun;16(11-12):1622-32. doi: 10.1002/pmic.201500508. Epub 2016 Apr 13
12. Quanico J, Franck J, Gimeno J.P, Sabbagh R, Salzet M, Day R, Fournier I, Parafilm-Assisted Microdissection: A Sampling Method for Mass Spectrometry-BasedIdentification of DifferentiallyExpressed Prostate Cancer ProteinBiomarkers Chem Commun (Camb). 2015 Mar 18;51(22):4564-7. doi: 10.1039/c4cc08331h
13. Mixed-model of ANOVA for measurementreproducibility in proteomics.
Mercier C, Truntzer C, Pecqueur D, Gimeno JP, Belz G, Roy P. J Proteomics. 2009 Aug 20;72(6):974-81. doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2009.05.005. Epub 2009 May 27.
14. Amino Acid N-Carboxyanhydrides:  Activated Peptide Monomers Behaving as Phosphate-Activating Agents in Aqueous . Biron JP, Pascal R . Solution J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 30, 9198–9199