Franck Rodet
Pr. Franck Rodet is Professor at the University of Lille, where he has held a permanent position since September 2008 within the PRISM Laboratory (Inserm Unit 1192). He is a specialist in Cell and Molecular Biology. His research focuses on (i) the production of antibodies by neural cells, (ii) the role of extracellular vesicles to define the metastatic tropism of breast cancer cells and (iii) development of BatMass technology.
His researches have originally demonstrated that both neurons and astrocytes produce IgG, putting an end to an immunity dogma that stipulated that only LBs had the capacity to do so. Moreover, he has shown that these neural IgGs regulate neuritic sprouting and control astrocytic phenotype. It opens up new avenues of understanding of how the CNS and cognitive processes are built up and new therapeutic perspectives to treat CNS pathologies.
Pr. F. Rodet has authored 25 articles in international peer-reviewed journals with 13 articles in the Q1, 7 articles as (co-)first author, 3 articles as co-last author and 3 articles as co-corresponding author. He has an H-index: 12 and 304 citations without any autocitations. He is also the co-inventor of 2 patents for BatMass technology. He has contributed to obtaining various grants: ANR (2), I-SITE (1), Start-AIRR (2), PCSI (1). He has co-supervised 3 PhD, 14 Master 2 students and 4 Master 1 students. He has been referee for 2 PhD dissertations. He is a member of the (i) ITN “CanDoIt” dedicated to the study of breast cancer therapy, (ii) EURON network and (iii) GDR Microglia.
He is also involved in various administrative tasks as (i) co-supervisor of the Master 1 Bioinformatics Omics and Systems biology at the University of Lille, (ii) Continuing Education and Work-study Program (FCA) Coordinator at the Biology Department of the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) at the University of Lille, (iii) elected member of the PRISM laboratory council, (iv): PRISM L2 and L3 lab manager (INSERM accreditation). He has also been (i) elected member of the Biology Department Council, (ii) committee member for the recruitment of 3 assistant professors and (iii) External evaluator for Teacher-researcher promotion campaign at the University of Lille.
A1- Capuz A, Osien S, Cardon T., Karnoub MA, Aboulouard S, Raffo-Romero A, Duhamel M, Cizkova D, Trerotola M, Devos D, Kobeissy F, Vanden Abeele F, Bonnefond A, Fournier I, Rodet F*, Salzet M*. (2023) Heimdall, an alternative protein issued from a ncRNA related to kappa light chain variable region of immunoglobulins from astrocytes : a new player in neural proteome. Cell Death Dis. 2023 Aug 16;14(8):526.
A2- Capuz A, Osien S, Karnoub MA, Aboulouard S, Laurent E, Coyaud E, Raffo-Romero A,
Duhamel M, Bonnefond A, Derhourhi M, Trerotola M, El Yazidi-Belkoura I, Devos D, Zilkova M, Kobeissy F, Vanden Abeele F, Fournier I, Cizkova D, Rodet F*, Salzet M*. (2023) Astrocytes express aberrant immunoglobulins as putative gatekeeper of astrocytes to neuronal progenitor conversion. Cell Death Dis. 2023 Apr 4;14(4):237.
A3- Capuz A, Karnoub MA, Osien S, Rose M, Mériaux C, Fournier I, Devos D, Vanden Abeele F, Rodet F, Cizkova D, Salzet M. (2022) The Antibody Dependant Neurite Outgrowth Modulation Response Involvement in Spinal Cord Injury. Front Immunol. 2022 Jun 16;13:882830.
A4- Rose M, Duhamel M, Aboulouard S, Kobeissy F, Tierny D, Fournier I, Rodet F, Salzet M. (2022) Therapeutic anti-glioma effect of the combined action of PCSK inhibitor with the
anti-tumoral factors secreted by Poly (I:C)-stimulated macrophages. Cancer Gene Ther. 2021 Jan 5.
A5- Rose M, Duhamel M, Rodet F, Salzet M (2021) The Role of Proprotein Convertases in the Regulation of the Function of Immune Cells in the Oncoimmune Response. frontiers in Immunology Volume 12 – Article 667850.
A6- Cardon T, Ozcan B, Aboulouard S, Kobeissy F, Duhamel M, Rodet F, Fournier I, Salzet M. (2020) Epigenetic Studies Revealed a Ghost Proteome in PC1/3 KD Macrophages under Antitumoral Resistance Induced by IL-10. ACS Omega. 2020, 5, 43, 27774-27782.
A7- Rose M, Duhamel M, Aboulouard S, Kobeissy F, Le Rhun E, Desmons A, Tierny D, Fournier I, Rodet F*, Salzet M*. (2020) The Role of a Proprotein Convertase Inhibitor in Reactivation of Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Inhibition of Glioma Growth. Mol Ther Oncolytics. 2020 Mar 31;17:31-46.
A8- Rodet F*, Capuz A, Ozcan BA, Le Beillan R, Raffo-Romero A, Kobeissy F, Duhamel M, Salzet M.* (2019) PC1/3 KD Macrophages Exhibit Resistance to the Inhibitory Effect of IL-10 and a Higher TLR4 Activation Rate, Leading to an Anti-Tumoral Phenotype. Cells. 2019 Nov 22;8(12):1490.
A9- Rodet F, Capuz A, Hara T, van Meel R, Duhamel M, Rose M, Raffo Romero A, Fournier I, Salzet M (2018) Deciphering Molecular Consequences of the Proprotein Convertase 1/3 Inhibition in Macrophages for Application in Anti-tumour Immunotherapy. Journal of Biotechnology 282 :80-85.
A10- Cizkova D, Quanico J, Kanoub MA, Zahiri F, Rodet F, Murgoci AN, Cubinkova V, Fournier I, Salzet M (2018) Shedding New Light on Spinal Cord Injury via a Spatio- Temporal Proteomic and Physiological Approaches. Annals of Trauma & Acute Care, 2018 | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Article 1007.
A11- Quanico J, Hauberg-Lotte L, Devaux S, Laouby Z, Meriaux C, Raffo-Romero A, Rose M, Westerheide L, Vehmeyer J, Rodet F, Maass P, Cizkova D, Zilka N, Cubinkova V, Fournier I, Salzet M. (2018) 3D MALDI mass spectrometry imaging reveals specific localization of long-chain acylcarnitines within a 10-day time window of spinal cord injury. Sci Rep. 2018 Oct 31;8(1):16083.
A12- Duhamel M, Rose M, Rodet F, Murgoci AN, Zografidou L, Régnier-Vigouroux A, Vanden Abeele F, Kobeissy F, Nataf S, Pays L, Wisztorski M, Cizkova D, Fournier I, Salzet M. (2018) Paclitaxel treatment and PC1/3 knockdown in macrophages is a promising anti-glioma strategy as revealed by proteomics and cytotoxicity studies. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2018 Jun;17(6):1126-1143.
A13- Duhamel M, Rodet F, Murgoci AN, Wisztorski M, Day R, Fournier I, Salzet M (2016)
Proprotein convertase 1/3 inhibited macrophages: A novel therapeutic based on drone macrophages. EuPA Open Proteomics 11 (2016) 20–22.
A14- Rodet F*, Duhamel M*, Murgoci AN, Desjardins R, Gagnon H, Wisztorski M, Fournier I, Day R, Salzet M. (2016) The proprotein convertase PC1/3 regulates TLR9 trafficking and the associated signaling pathways. Sci Rep. 2016 Jan 18;6:19360.
A15- Duhamel M, Rodet F, Delhem N, Vanden Abeele F, Kobeissy F, Nataf S, Pays L, Desjardins R, Gagnon H, Wisztorski M, Fournier I, Day R, Salzet M. (2015) Molecular Consequences of Proprotein Convertase 1/3 (PC1/3) Inhibition in Macrophages for Application to Cancer Immunotherapy: A Proteomic Study. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2015 Nov;14(11):2857-77.
A16- Rodet F*, Tasiemski A*, Boidin-Wichlacz C, Van Camp C, Vuillaume C, Slomianny C, Salzet M. (2015) Hm-MyD88 and Hm-SARM: two key regulators of the neuroimmune system and neural repair in the medicinal leech. Sci Rep. 2015 Apr 16;5:9624.
A17- Tasiemski A, Massol F, Cuvillier-Hot V, Boidin-Wichlacz C, Roger E, Rodet F, Fournier I, Thomas F, Salzet M. (2015) Reciprocal immune benefit based on complementary production of antibiotics by the leech Hirudo verbana and its gut symbiont Aeromonas veronii. Sci Rep. 2015 Dec 4;5:17498.
A18- Bigot L, Zatylny-Gaudin C, Rodet F, Bernay B, Boudry P, Favrel P. (2012) Characterization of GnRH-related peptides from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Peptides 34(2):303-10.
A19- Rodet F, Huijbregts L, Villanueva C, Villoing L, Jacquier S, de Roux N. (2008) Le couple Kisspeptine/GPR54, un acteur majeur de la régulation neuroendocrine de la reproduction. Mt Médecine de la reproduction, Gynécologie Endocrinologie 10(2) : 1-8.
A20- Rodet F, Lelong C, Dubos MP, Favrel P. (2008) Alternative splicing of a single precursor mRNA generates two subtypes of gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor orthologues and their variants in the bivalve mollusc Crassostrea gigas. Gene 414 : 1-9.
A21- Lelong C, Badariotti F, Le Quere H, Rodet F, Dubos MP, Favrel P. (2007) Cg-TGF-beta, a TGFbeta/activin homologue in the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas, is involved in immunity against Gram-negative microbial infection. Dev. Comp. Immunol. 31(1): 30-38.
A22- Rodet F, Lelong C, Dubos MP, Costil K, Favrel P. (2005) Molecular cloning of a molluscan orthologous GnRH receptor specifically expressed in the gonad. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1730(3): 187-195.
A23- Herpin A, Badariotti F, Rodet F, Favrel P. (2004) Molecular Characterization of a New
Leucine-Rich Repeat-Containing G Protein-coupled receptor (LGR) from a Lophotrochozoan
Invertebrate: Evolutionary Implications. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1680(3): 137-144.
A24- Dubos MP, Badariotti F Rodet F, Lelong C, Favrel P. (2003) Molecular and physiological characterisation of an invertebrate homologue of a calcitonin-related receptor. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Com. 310 : 972-978.
A25- Minier C, Lelong C, Djemel N, Rodet F, Tutundjian R, Favrel P, Mathieu M, Leboulanger F. (2002) Expression and activity of a multixenobiotic resistance system in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Mar Environ Res. 54(3-5):455-9.