David Beauvais

  • PhD Student

Dr. David Beauvais is a hematologist physician at Lille University Hospital, specializing in allogeneic bone marrow transplantation and CAR T-cell therapy. He completed his medical studies and hematology residency at Lille University Hospital, where he developed expertise in the management of hematologic malignancies and advanced cellular therapies.
He is currently pursuing a PhD at the PRISM laboratory (Proteomic, Inflammatory Response, Mass Spectrometry – Inserm U1192, Lille, France), focusing on proteomics and the identification of new antigenic targets in peripheral T-cell lymphomas. His research aims to advance the understanding of these rare and aggressive malignancies and contribute to the development of novel therapeutic strategies.
Dr. Beauvais is a member of the French Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC).

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1) Fouquet G, Guidez S, Herbaux C, Van de Wyngaert Z, Bonnet S, Beauvais D, Demarquette H, Adib S, Hivert B, Wemeau M, Berthon C, Terriou L, Coiteux V, Macro M, Decaux O, Facon T, Huglo D, Leleu X. Impact of initial FDG-PET/CT and serum-free light chain on transformation of conventionally defined solitary plasmacytoma to multiple myeloma. Clin Cancer Res. 2014 Jun 15;20(12):3254-602)
2) Beauvais D, Goossens JF, Boyle E, Allal B, Lafont T, Chatelut E, Herbaux C, Morschhauser F, Genay S, Odou P, Danel C. Development and validation of an UHPLC-MS/MS method for simultaneous quantification of ibrutinib and its dihydrodiol-metabolite in human cerebrospinal fluid. Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2018 Sep 1;1093-1094:158-166
3) Grzych G, Roland E, Beauvais D, Maboudou P, Brousseau T. Benefit of point of care testing in patient with major hyperleukocytosis. Clin Biochem. 2019 Mar;65:55-57
4) Yakoub-Agha I, Moreau AS, Ahmad I, Borel C, Hadhoum N, Masouridi-Levrat S, Naudin J, Nicolas-Virelizier E, Ouachée-Chardin M, Platon L, Quessar A, Roth-Guepin G, Beauvais D, Baruchel A, Cornillon J. Prise en charge pratique du syndrome de relargage des cytokines (CRS) post-CAR-T cells chez l’adulte et l’enfant : recommandation de la Société francophone de greffe de moelle et de thérapie cellulaire (SFGM-TC) [Management of cytokine release syndrome in adult and pediatric patients undergoing CAR-T cell therapy for hematological malignancies: Recommendation of the French Society of Bone Marrow and cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC)]. Bull Cancer. 2019 Jan;106(1S):S102-S109
5) Grzych G, Roland E, Lezier D, Beauvais D, Maboudou P, Lippi G. Pneumatic tube system transport and false hyperkalemia related to leukocytosis: a retrospective analysis. Ann Biol Clin (Paris). 2019 Jun 1;77(3):281-286
6) Cornillon J, Hadhoum N, Roth-Guepin G, Quessar A, Platon L, Ouachée-Chardin M, Nicolas-Virelizier E, Naudin J, Moreau AS, Masouridi-Levrat S, Borel C, Ahmad I, Beauvais D, Baruchel A, Yakoub-Agha I. Prise en charge pratique d’une encéphalopathie liée au traitement par cellules CAR-T chez l’adulte et l’enfant : recommandations de la Société francophone de greffe de moelle et de thérapie cellulaire (SFGM-TC). Bull Cancer. 2020 Jan;107(1S):S12-S17
7) Boyle EM, Leleu X, Petillon MO, Karlin L, Doyen C, Demarquette H, Royer B, Macro M, Moreau P, Fostier K, Marie-Lorraine C, Zarnitsky C, Perrot A, Herbaux C, Poulain S, Manier S, Beauvais D, Walker BA, Wardell CP, Vincent L, Frenzel L, Caillon H, Susanna S, Dejoie T, Avet-Loiseau H, Mohty M, Facon T; IFM2014-04 investigators. Daratumumab and dexamethasone is safe and effective for triple refractory myeloma patients: final results of the IFM 2014-04 (Etoile du Nord) trial. Br J Haematol. 2019 Nov;187(3):319-327
8) Brissot E, Alsuliman T, Beauvais D, Bonnin A, Mear JB, Souchet L, Villate A, Yakoub-Agha I, Bazarbachi A. Prophylaxie antivirale pour le CMV, l’HSV/VZV et le VHB après allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques chez l’adulte : recommandations de la Société francophone de greffe de mœlle et de thérapie cellulaire (SFGM-TC) [Antiviral prophylaxis for CMV, HSV/VZV and HBV in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation in adult patients: Guidelines from the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC)]. Bull Cancer. 2020 Jan;107(1S):S1-S6
9) Alsuliman T, Magro L, Coiteux V, Gauthier J, Srour M, Lionet A, Beauvais D, Yakoub-Agha I. The concurrent administration of imatinib with extracorporeal photopheresis leads to complete and durable responses in patients with refractory sclerotic type chronic graft-versus-host disease. Curr Res Transl Med. 2020 Apr;68(2):71-76
10) Brissot E, Villate A, Alsuliman T, Beauvais D, Bonnin A, Mear JB, Souchet L, Yakoub-Agha I, Bazarbachi A. Dépistage des bactéries multirésistantes (BMR) et hautement résistantes émergentes (BHRe) aux antibiotiques en allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques : recommandations de la Société francophone de greffe de moelle et de thérapie cellulaire (SFGM-TC) [Multidrug-resistant bacteria detection in patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: Guidelines from the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC)]. Bull Cancer. 2020 Jan;107(1S):S7-S11
11) Duployez N, Goursaud L, Fenwarth L, Bories C, Marceau-Renaut A, Boyer T, Fournier E, Nibourel O, Roche-Lestienne C, Huet G, Beauvais D, Berthon C, Cambier N, Quesnel B, Preudhomme C. Familial myeloid malignancies with germline TET2 mutation. Leukemia. 2020 May;34(5):1450-1453
12) Peffault De Latour R, Chevallier P, Blaise D, Alami S, Lévy-Bachelot L, Allavoine T, Tadmouri A, Blomkvist J, Duhamel A, Srour M, Beauvais D, Yakoub-Agha I. Clinical and economic impact of treated CMV infection in adult CMV-seropositive patients after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. J Med Virol. 2020 Apr 16
13) Beauvais D, Herbaux C. Should I Allograft a Patient with Hodgkin Lymphoma Who Is Responding to Nivolumab? Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2020 Aug;26(8) 14) Grzych G, Roland E, Beauvais D, Maboudou P, Lippi G. Leukocytosis interference in clinical chemistry: Shall we still interpret test results without hematological data? J Med Biochem. 2020 Jan 10;39(1):66-71
14) Grzych G, Roland E, Beauvais D, Maboudou P, Lippi G. Leukocytosis interference in clinical chemistry: Shall we still interpret test results without hematological data? J Med Biochem. 2020 Jan 10;39(1):66-71
15) Beauvais D, Danhof S, Hayden PJ, Einsele H, Yakoub-Agha I. Clinical data, limitations and perspectives on chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy in multiple myeloma. Curr Opin Oncol. 2020 Sep;32(5):418-426
16) Beauvais D, Cabannes-Hamy A, Leblanc T, Dhédin N, Magda A, Cuccuini W, Clappier E, Vial Y, Boissel N. T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in a Young Adult With Thrombocytopenia-absent Radius Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2021 Aug 1;43(6):232-235
17) Demaret J, Varlet P, Trauet J, Beauvais D, Grossemy A, Hégo F, Yakoub-Agha I, Labalette M. Monitoring CAR T-cells using flow cytometry. Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2021 Mar;100(2):218-224
18) Beauvais D, Andrianne C, Aubrun C, Berquier M, Bole S, Caulier A, Courbon C, Delorme J, Fournier I, François G, Jaivenois MF, Le Bars L, Mussot I, Vercasson M, Wallart Brejaud A, Yakoub-Agha I, Lacroix D. Le parcours de soins du patient dans le cadre des CAR T-cell : recommandations de la Société francophone de greffe de moelle et de thérapie cellulaire (SFGM-TC) [The care process of patient receiving CAR T-cell therapy: Guidelines from the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC)]. Bull Cancer. 2020 Dec;107(12S):S170-S177
19) Polverelli N, Mauff K, Kröger N, Robin M, Beelen D, Beauvais D, Chevallier P, Mohty M, Passweg J, Rubio MT, Maertens J, Finke J, Bornhäuser M, Vrhovac R, Helbig G, Mear JB, Castagna L, Reményi P, Angelucci E, Karakasis D, Rifòn J, Sirait T, Russo D, de Wreede L, Czerw T, Hernández-Boluda JC, Hayden P, McLornan D, Yakoub-Agha I. Impact of spleen size and splenectomy on outcomes of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for myelofibrosis: A retrospective analysis by the chronic malignancies working party on behalf of European society for blood and marrow transplantation (EBMT). Am J Hematol. 2021 Jan;96(1):69-79
20) Giebel S, Labopin M, Socié G, Beauvais D, Klein S, Wagner-Drouet EM, Blaise D, Nguyen-Quoc S, Bourhis JH, Thiebaut A, Labussière-Wallet H, Charbonnier A, Berceanu A, Diez-Martin JL, Fegueux N, Esteve J, Nagler A, Mohty M. Allogeneic HCT for adults with B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia harboring IKZF1 gene mutations. A study by the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the EBMT. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2021 May;56(5):1047-1055
21) Beauvais D, Drumez E, Blaise D, Peffault de Latour R, Forcade E, Ceballos P, Uyttebroeck A, Labussière H, Nguyen S, Bourhis JH, Chevallier P, Thiebaut A, Poiré X, Maury S, Deconinck E, Cluzeau T, Brissot E, Huynh A, Rubio MT, Duhamel A, Yakoub-Agha I. Scoring system for clinically significant CMV infection in seropositive recipients following allogenic hematopoietic cell transplant: an SFGM-TC study. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2021 Jun;56(6):1305-1315
22) Baras A, Bocket L, Beauvais D, Hallaert C, Varlet P, Yakoub-Agha I, Hober D, Alidjinou EK. A Real-Time Quantitative PCR Targeting the Viral Vector for the Monitoring of Patients Treated with Axicabtagene Ciloleucel. J Mol Diagn. 2021 Apr;23(4):447-454
23) Beauvais D, Bachy E, Baruchel A, Bay JO, Caillot D, Cartron G, Damaj G, Furst S, Le Gouill S, Morschhauser F, Rabian F, Rubio MT, Thieblemont C, Yakoub-Agha I. Éligibilité des patients aux cellules CAR-T : avis d’experts proposé par la SFGM-TC [Eligibility of patients for CAR T-cell: Expert opinion-based collaborative work by the SFGM-TC]. Bull Cancer. 2021 Jul-Aug;108(7-8):725-729
24) Carnoy S, Beaumont JL, Kanouni T, Parquet N, Beauvais D, Hequet O, Kanold J, Ballot C, Mialou V, Reppel L, Damaj G, Yakoub-Agha I, Chabannon C. Condition de réalisation de la cytaphérèse pour la mise à disposition du matériel biologique nécessaire à la production de CAR T-cells commerciaux : avis d’experts proposé par la SFGM-TC [How to perform leukapheresis for procurement of the staring material used for commercial CAR T-cell manufacturing: A consensus from experts convened by the SFGM-TC]. Bull Cancer. 2021 Mar;108(3):295-303
25) Beauvais D, Karleskind O, Loridant S, Nyga R, Lamiaux M, Moreau AS, Morschhauser F, Mitra S, Yakoub-Agha I, Sendid B. Potential role of tocilizumab in severe gastrointestinal barrier damage after CAR T-cell therapy. J Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2021 Apr;54(2):327-330. doi: 10.1016/j.jmii.2021.02.006. Epub 2021 Feb 27
26) Prod’homme C, Touzet L, Pierrat M, Chevalier L, Lesaffre H, Berthon C, Coiteux V, Barbieux S, Beauvais D, Bauschert L, De Charette M, Goursaud L, Manier S, Facon T. Can palliative care consultation increase integration of palliative care for patients with hematologic malignancies? Blood Adv. 2021 Apr 27;5(8):2123-2127
27) Berquier M, Cherel L, Clerc Renaud D, Hospital Gustems C, Wallart Brejaud A, Yakoub-Agha I, Beauvais D. Carnet de suivi des patients recevant un traitement par CAR T-cell : recommandations de la Société francophone de greffe de moelle et de thérapie cellulaire (SFGM-TC) [Follow-up logbook of patients receiving CAR T-cell therapy: Guidelines from the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC)]. Bull Cancer. 2021 May 12:S0007-4551(21)00162-4
28) Gazeau N, Beauvais D, Yakoub-Agha I, Mitra S, Campbell TB, Facon T, Manier S. Effective anti-BCMA retreatment in multiple myeloma. Blood Adv. 2021 Aug 10;5(15):3016-3020
29) Beauvais D, Berthaut I, Cabannes-Hamy A, Béhal H, Barraud-Lange DV, Pollet-Villard X, Lengliné E, Itzykson R, Andreoli A, Ricadat E, Dhédin N, Levy R, Poirot C, Boissel N. Semen Cryopreservation in Adolescents and Young Adults with Hematologic Diseases: from Bed to Benchside. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol. 2021 Nov 9
30) Beauvais D, Cozzani A, Blaise AS, Moreau AS, Varlet P, Gaggero S, Alidjinou EK, Vannod-Michel Q, Morschhauser F, Labalette M, Yakoub-Agha I, Mitra S. A potential role of preexisting inflammation in the development of acute myelopathy following CAR T-cell therapy for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Curr Res Transl Med. 2022 Jan 6;70(2)
31) Tilmont R, Yakoub-Agha I, Ramdane N, Srour M, Coiteux V, Magro L, Odou P, Simon N, Beauvais D. Impact of Defibrotide in the Prevention of Acute Graft-Versus-Host Disease Following Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation. Ann Pharmacother. 2022 Jan 11
32) Gower N, Coiteux V, Srour M, Magro L, Chauvet P, Terriou L, Varlet P, Ballot C, Yakoub-Agha I, Beauvais D. Haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation from mismatched unrelated donors associated with low CD34 and CD3 cell counts in the graft. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2022 Jan 27
33) Beauvais D, Robin C, Thiebaut A, Alain S, Coiteux V, Ducastelle-Lepretre S, Marçais A, Ceballos P, Xhaard A, Redjoul R, Nguyen S, Brissot E, Joris M, Turlure P, Rubio MT, Chevallier P, Bénard N, Liautard C, Yakoub-Agha I. Effective Letermovir Prophylaxis of CMV infection post allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: Results from the French temporary authorization of use compassionate program. J Clin Virol. 2022 Feb 15;148:105106
34) Wattebled KJ, Drumez E, Coiteux V, Magro L, Srour M, Chauvet P, Quesnel B, Duhamel A, Yakoub-Agha I, Beauvais D. Single-agent 5-azacytidine as post-transplant maintenance in high-risk myeloid malignancies undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. Ann Hematol. 2022 Mar 29.
35) Beauvais D, Castilla-Llorente C, Diral E, Sirvent A, Vandewiele A, Baruchel A, Yakoub-Agha I, Yakouben K. Role of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation after anti-CD19 CAR T-cell treatment: Guidelines from the Francophone Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (SFGM-TC). Bull Cancer. 2022
36) Bauschert L, Sermet K, Fréalle E, Khodr J, Magro L, Yakoub-Agha I, Alfandari S, Beauvais D. A case of subacute bowel obstruction revealing slowly-evolutive gastro-intestinal mucormycosis following allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. J Mycol Med. 2022 Nov;32(4):101312
37) Di Blasi R, Le Gouill S, Bachy E, Cartron G, Beauvais D, Le Bras F, Gros FX, Choquet S, Bories P, Feugier P, Casasnovas O, Bay JO, Mohty M, Joris M, Gastinne T, Sesques P, Tudesq JJ, Vercellino L, Morschhauser F, Gat E, Broussais F, Houot R, Thieblemont C. Outcomes of patients with aggressive B-cell lymphoma after failure of anti-CD19 CAR T-cell therapy: a DESCAR-T analysis. Blood. 2022 Dec 15;140(24):2584-2593
38) Bachy E, Le Gouill S, Di Blasi R, Sesques P, Manson G, Cartron G, Beauvais D, Roulin L, Gros FX, Rubio MT, Bories P, Bay JO, Llorente CC, Choquet S, Casasnovas RO, Mohty M, Guidez S, Joris M, Loschi M, Carras S, Abraham J, Chauchet A, Drieu La Rochelle L, Deau-Fischer B, Hermine O, Gastinne T, Tudesq JJ, Gat E, Broussais F, Thieblemont C, Houot R, Morschhauser F. A real-world comparison of tisagenlecleucel and axicabtagene ciloleucel CAR T cells in relapsed or refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Nat Med. 2022 Oct;28(10):2145-2154
39) Sourisseau M, Faure E, Béhal H, Chauvet P, Srour M, Capes A, Coiteux V, Magro L, Alfandari S, Alidjinou EK, Simon N, Vuotto F, Karam M, Faure K, Yakoub-Agha I, Beauvais D. The promising efficacy of a risk-based letermovir use strategy in CMV-positive allogeneic hematopoietic cell recipients. Blood Adv. 2022 Nov 9
40) Beauvais D, Wattebled KJ, Drumez E, Yakoub-Agha I. Commentary: Maintenance with hypomethylating agents after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Front Med (Lausanne). 2022 Oct 31;9:1051526
41) Gazeau N, Mitra S, Nudel M, Tilmont R, Chauvet P, Srour M, Moreau AS, Varlet P, Alidjinou EK, Manier S, Morschhauser F, Labalette M, Yakoub-Agha I, Beauvais D. Safety and efficacy of nivolumab in patients who failed to achieve a complete remission after CD19-directed CAR T-cell therapy in diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Br J Haematol. 2023 Jul;202(2):434-436
42) Lemoine J, Bachy E, Cartron G, Beauvais D, Gastinne T, Di Blasi R, Rubio MT, Guidez S, Mohty M, Casasnovas RO, Joris M, Castilla-Llorente C, Haioun C, Hermine O, Loschi M, Carras S, Bories P, Fradon T, Herbaux C, Sesques P, Le Gouill S, Morschhauser F, Thieblemont C, Houot R. Nonrelapse mortality after CAR T-cell therapy for large B-cell lymphoma: a LYSA study from the DESCAR-T registry. Blood Adv. 2023 Nov 14;7(21):6589-6598
43) Meyers G, Hamadani M, Martens M, Ali H, Chevallier P, Choe H, Harris AC, Holler E, van Hooren E, Klaassen W, Leifer E, van Oosterhout Y, Perez L, Pusic I, Stelljes M, van der Velden W, Ammatuna E, Beauvais D, Cornillon J, Maziarz RT, Schetelig J, Romeril J, MacMillan ML, Levine JE, Socié G. Anti-CD3/CD7 immunoconjugate (T-Guard) for severe, steroid-refractory GVHD: final report of BMT CTN 2002. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2023 Dec;58(12):1416-1418
44) Leroyer EH, Petitpain N, Morisset S, Neven B, Castelle M, Winter S, Souchet L, Morel V, Le Cann M, Fahd M, Yacouben K, Mechinaud F, Ouachée-Chardin M, Renard C, Wallet HL, Angoso M, Jubert C, Chevallier P, Léger A, Rialland F, Dhedin N, Robin C, Maury S, Beckerich F, Beauvais D, Cluzeau T, Loschi M, Fernster A, Bittencourt MC, Cravat M, Bilger K, Clément L, Decot V, Gauthier M, Legendre A, Larghero J, Ouedrani A, Martin-Blondel G, Pochon C, Reppel L, Rouard H, Nguyen-Quoc S, Dalle JH, D’Aveni M, Bensoussan D. On behalf of the SFGM-TC: Real-life use of third-party virus-specific T-cell transfer in immunocompromised transplanted patients. Hemasphere. 2024 Jan 27;8(1):e40
45) Leroy M, Deramoudt L, Pinturaud M, Demaret J, Alidjinou EK, Nudel M, Cavalieri D, Chahla WA, Odou P, Morschhauser F, Yakoub-Agha I, Simon N, Beauvais D. A second round of anti-CD19 CAR T-cell therapy in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: when persistence pays off. Leuk Lymphoma. 2024 Jun;65(6):868-871
46) Villar S, Chevret S, Poire X, Joris M, Chevallier P, Bourhis JH, Forcade E, Chantepie S, Beauvais D, Raus N, Bay JO, Loschi M, Devillier R, Duléry R, Ceballos P, Rubio MT, Servais S, Nguyen S, Robin M. Transplantation for myelofibrosis patients in the ruxolitinib era: a registry study from the Société Francophone de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2024 Jul;59(7):965-973
47) Kaphan E, Bettega F, Vallet N, Fegueux N, Robin M, Bazarbachi A, Nguyen S, Beauvais D, Forcade E, De Oca MCM, Devillier R, Chevallier P, Loschi M, Huynh A, Bay JO, Rubio MT, Suarez F, Francois S, Poire X, Contentin N, Desmier D, Charbonnier A, Cornillon J, Chantepie S, Turlure P, Bulabois CE, Michonneau D, Villate A, Sfgm-Tc. PD-1 blockade and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Hodgkin lymphoma, a matter of time: a national study on behalf of the Société Francophone de Greffe de Moelle et de Thérapie Cellulaire. Haematologica. 2024 Oct 1;109(10):3373-3378
48) Herbaux C, Bret C, Bachy E, Bories P, Di Blasi R, Cuffel A, Gastinne T, Lamy T, Roussel M, Bouabdallah K, Beauvais D, Cartron G, Bay JO, Blaise D, Rubio MT, Mohty M, Le Bras F, Casasnovas O, Guy J, Guidez S, Llorente CC, Hermine O, La Rochelle LD, Carras S, Guffroy B, Caillat-Zucman S, Houot R, Le Gouill S. Brexucabtagene autoleucel in relapsed or refractory mantle cell lymphoma, intention-to-treat use in the DESCAR-T registry. Haematologica. 2024 Nov 1;109(11):3745-3750.
49) Giebel S, Labopin M, Peric Z, Passweg J, Blaise D, Salmenniemi U, Beauvais D, Reményi P, Chevallier P, Mielke S, Gedde-Dahl T, Cornelissen JJ, Balsat M, Bug G, Bazarbachi A, Brissot E, Nagler A, Ciceri F, Mohty M. Impact of the Type of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor (imatinib or dasatinib) Used Before allo-HCT on Outcome of Patients with Philadelphia-Positive Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. A Study on Behalf of the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the EBMT. Transplant Cell Ther. 2025 Jan;31(1):14.e1-14.e10
50) Rabian F, Beauvais D, Marchand T, Fürst S, Huynh A, Brissot E, Maury S, Gabellier L, Chevallier P, Loschi M, Nguyen S, Balsat M, Lafon I, Fayard A, Camus V, Simand C, Moya N, Castilla-Llorente C, Joris M, Berceanu A, Thiebaut-Bertrand A, Lhéritier V, Gehlkopf E, Roth-Guépin G, Leguay T, Boissel N. Efficacy and tolerance of brexucabtagene autoleucel in adults with R/R B-ALL: a GRAALL study from the DESCAR-T registry. Blood Adv. 2024 Nov 12;8(21):5493-5496
51) Quinet F, Gilliot S, Beauvais D, Vasseur M, Srour M, Magro L, Coiteux V, Chauvet P, Yakoub-Agha I, Odou P, Décaudin B, Simon N. Use of two general-purpose scales to assess clinical pharmacy activities in a cell transplantation unit. J Oncol Pharm Pract. 2024 Nov 25:10781552241297391