Pr. Isabelle FOURNIER

Senior Member "Institut Universitaire de France"

Laboratoire PRISM - Unité Inserm 1192
Université de Lille - Campus Cité Scientifique
Faculté des Sciences et Technologies
Département de Biologie
Avenue Paul Langevin - Bâtiment SN3 - 1er étage - Porte 113
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex

Tel: +33 (0)3 20 43 41 94
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Download CV
ResearcherID: H-9195-2015
Scopus Author ID: 6603872447
Loop profile: 241105



M2 Spectroscopy & Organic Physicochemistry
University Paris 6, Laboratoire de Chimie Structurale Organique & Biologique, CNRS-UMR 7613, Paris, France

PhD, Speciality Spectroscopy & Organic Physicochemistry, University Paris 6, Laboratoire Chimie Structurale Organique & Biologique, CNRS-UMR 7613, Paris, France

Habilitation, Laboratoire de Neuroimmunologie des Annélides, FRE-CNRS 2933, University Lille 1, Lille, France

Professional experience

Posdoctorate (05/2000-08/2001), Laboratoire "Instrumentelle Analytische Chemie", Pr. M.Karas, University J. W. Goethe de Frankfurt, Germany
2001-2002Posdoctorate (09/2001-09/2002), Laboratoire de Neuroimmunologie des Annélides, CNRS-UMR 8017, University Lille1, France

Assistant Professor (10/2002-01/2003), Laboratoire de Neuroimmunologie des Annélides, CNRS-UMR 8017, University Lille 1, France
2003-2009Associate Professor, Laboratoire de Neuroimmunologie des Annélides, CNRS-UMR 8017, University Lille 1, France


1st grade Professor

Prices & distinctions

Junior Member Institut Universitaire de France

Excellent Scientific Prime

Great Price Special of Science, Agriculture and Art Societyof Lille


Group Leader MALDI Imaging Team at Laboratoire de Spectrométrie de Masse Biologique Fondamentale & Appliquée, Université Lille 1. Starting Grant 2004 for team creation, AERES Notation A

Member of Scientific Council University Lille 1

Nominated member CNU (National Committee University) section N°68

Nominated member Parity Technique Committee (CTP) University Lille 1

Assistant Director of Laboratoire de Spectrométrie de Masse Biologique Fondamentale et Appliquée

Assistant Director of Federative Research Institute IFR 147

Member of Scientific Council University Lille 1

Responsible Imaging Platform & management committee member, SIRIC ONCOLILLE, National Institute of Cancer, Integrated Research in Cancer Site (SIRIC)

Teatching responsabilites

Responsible Teaching Unit in the Professional Master of Proteomics

Responsible Teaching Unit in the Research Master in Life Physico-chemistry

Responsible Teaching Unit in the IUP Genomic and Proteomic, M1, S2

Responsible Teaching Unit in the International Master Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry, M1, S2, Spectroscopy for life sciences

Responsible Teaching Unit, Master Biology & Biotechnology, Specialty Genomic & Proteomic, Proteomics, M2, S3, Mass Spectrometry & M2, S4, Training sessions

Responsible Teaching Unit, Master Biology & Biotechnology, Specialty Genomic & Proteomic, M1, S2, Proteome Analysis

Responsible Teaching Unit, Master Biology & Biotechnology, Specialty Health Biology, M1, S2, Proteins Structural Analysis

Scientific aknowledgment & expertises

  1. Reviewer for international journals
  2. Expertise
    France: Région Centre, ANRT, Région Ile de France, Canceropôle Ile de France, AERES
    International: Belgium (ARC Wallonie, FNRS), UK (Cancer Research, BBSRC, MSS), Netherlands (Genomic Initiative), Germany (DFG), Loand (Polish Science Foundation), Canada (FRNTQ)
  3. Management Committee Member of COST Action BM1104, FP7 (2011-2016)
  4. Editorial of International Journals
    Associated editor for Journal of Clinical Bioinformatics et Journal of Integrated Omics
  5. Treasurer of the French Society for Mass Spectrometry (09/2007-09/2008)
  6. Conferences organization
    Scientific committee 25èmes Journées de la Société Française de Spectrométrie de Masse, Grenoble, 8-11 September (2008) ; Scientific Committee SMAP (Mass Spectrometry and Proteomic Analysis) 2009, Dijon, 14-17 September (2009)
  7. Conference Chair
    Annual Conference French Society for Electrophoresis and Proteomics Analysis (SFEAP) , Saint-Malo, 16-18 October, 2006 ; Conference Mass Spectrometry and Proteomic Analysis SMAP), Dijon, 14-17 September, 2009 ; Desorption 2010 Conference Seillac, 30 Mai- 3 June, 2010 ; Conference Mass Spectrometry and Proteomic Analysis SMAP) Avignon, 19-22 September 2011


  1. 9 international patents, 2 delivered in EU & US
  2. Co-funding IMABIOTECH Start-Up

Scientific projects

  1. Coordinator
    Research Medical Foundation, FRM (2002), National Starting Grant ACI « Jeunes Chercheurs et jeunes Chercheuses » (2004), National Institute for Cancer (2006), National Grants ANR-Program PCV, BIOSPIM (2008), ANR-Program Blanc, FUN MALDI (2009), ARCIR/FEDER Région Nord-Pas de Calais (2010)
  2. Project Partner
    ANR-Program PIRIBIO- MASDA EYE (2010), ISAO Internationale Stichting Alzheimer Onderzoek (2010), KORANET International Cooperation Program with Korea (2010) FP7, Action COST, Mass Spectrometry Imaging: New Tools for Health Care Research (2011)

Research thematics

Fundamental of MALDI desorption/ionization processes

MALDI Mass Spectrometry Imaging: Developments and Application

Ongoing projects

  1. Developments
    IDENTITI: MALDI MS Imaging developments of strategies for protein identification
    TDXMS: Development of a new strategy for studying proteins conformation at tissue level
    SPIDER-MASS: Development of a system for in vivo Imaging by MS
  2. Applications
    Physiopathological mechanisms of ovarian cancer
    Leech regeneration vs. spinal cord injury of vertebrates


64 publications in international peer-reviewed journals, 9 patents, 8 books chapters on invitation, 71 oral communications among which 51 on invitation

[1] R. Lemaire, J.C. Tabet, P. Ducoroy, J.B. Hendra, M.Salzet, I. Fournier, Anal. Chem. (2006) 78, 809-819, Solid Ionic Matrices for Direct Tissue Analysis and MALDI Imaging

[2] R. Lemaire, A. Desmons, J.C. Tabet R. Day, M. Salzet, I. Fournier, J. Prot. Res. (2007), 6, 1295-1305,Direct Analysis and MALDI Imaging of Formalin Fixed, Paraffin Embedded Tissue Sections

[3] R. Lemaire, J. Stauber, M. Wisztorski, C. Van Camp, A. Desmons, M. Deschamps, G. Proess, I. Rudlof, A. S. Woods, R. Day, M. Salzet, I. Fournier, J. Prot. Res. (2007), 6, 2057-2067, TAG-MASS: Specific Molecular Imaging of Transcriptome and Proteome by Mass Spectrometry Based on Photocleavable Tag

[4] R. Lemaire, S. Aït-Menguellet, J. Stauber, V. Marchaudon, J-P. Lucot, P. Collinet, M-O. Farine, D. Vinatier, R. Day, P. Ducoroy, M. Salzet, I. Fournier, J. Prot Res. (2007), 6 (11), 4127-4134, Specific MALDI Imaging and Profiling for Biomarker Hunting and Validation: Fragment of the 11S Proteasome Activator Complex, Reg Alpha Fragment, Is a New Potential Ovary Cancer Biomarker

[5] J. Stauber, R. Lemaire, J. Franck, D. Bonnel, D. Croix, R. Day, M. Wisztorski, M. Salzet, I. Fournier, J. Prot Res. (2008), 7(3), 969-978,MALDI Imaging of FFPE Tissues: Application to Model Animals of Parkinson Disease for Biomarker Hunting

[6] Franck J., Arafah K., Elayed M., Bonnel D., Vergara D., Jacquet A., Vinatier D., Wisztorski M., Day R., Fournier I., Salzet M., Mol Cell Proteomics (2009) 8(9), 2023-33, MALDI imaging mass spectrometry: state of the art technology in clinical proteomics

[7] Meriaux C., Arafah K., Tasiemski A., Wisztorski M., Bruand J., Wichlacz-Boidin C., Desmons A., Debois D., Laprévote O., Brunelle A., Gaasterland T., Macagno E., Fournier I., Salzet M., PLos One (2011), 6(4): e18359, Multiple Changes in Peptide and Lipid Expression Associated with Regeneration in the Nervous System of the Medicinal Leech