Oncological Driven Associated Mass Spectrometry
Equipe Mixte Laboratoire-Entreprise PRISM-OCR labellisée par la Région Hauts de France
In 2017, through the financial call of the regional Council Haut de France, PRISM and the company (OCR : Oncovet Clinical Research) have made a joined venture to lead a common laboratory named O’DREAMS. PIRSM and OCR are collaborating since the beginning of the SiricOncoLille, theu got in common an ANR, a Plan Cancer and applied in H2020 as well as in EuronanoMED. A pHD student is pay in part by OCR and the perosnnal of PRISM and OCR devoted to O’DREAMS are working together, in PRISM Laboartory (SN3). O’DREAMS is part of a clinical oncology theme through both technological and therapeutic developments of PRISM. Two lines of research will be developed i.e. The first axis is based on technological development which will allow the creation of non-invasive and real-time diagnostic instruments and is in line with the complementarity of the two entities. The first project is SPIDERMASS and the second one is entitled SNOOP-I. The second axis is focused on novel therapeutic developments in immunotherapy and oncoimmunology (MacBeth). All pre-clinical phases are performed on dog or cat patients who develop the same pathologies as humans. The preclinical phase in these animal patients will allow the faster development of clinical phases in humans. Rapid, non-invasive detection and prevention via the new tools developed by the unit will ultimately have a very important socio-economic impact for the region. The development of personalized treatment, validated in animal patients and then applied in humans, will guarantee better patient safety and more effective treatment. Together, these two areas will enable the O’DREAMS unit to be one of the leaders in the field of oncology at the regional, national and especially international levels.
Nouvel instrument : rapifleXTM MALDI TissuetyperTM