About us

PRISM - Proteomics, Inflamatory Response & Mass Spectrometry

An innovative research laboratory within Inserm U1192, dedicated to advancing our understanding of complex diseases through cutting-edge proteomics and mass spectrometry techniques. Our interdisciplinary team of scientists, clinicians, and engineers specializes in studying the molecular mechanisms of inflammation, immune responses, and disease progression. We focus on developing advanced methodologies in spatial proteomics, mass spectrometry imaging, and the creation of 3D cellular models to investigate disease mechanisms and therapeutic responses.

Our research also includes proteogenomics, exosome analysis, and the identification of alternative proteins, which are key to understanding diseases like cancer, neurodegenerative disorders, and immune-related conditions. Collaborating closely with clinical partners, PRISM strives to translate scientific discoveries into innovative, patient-centered therapeutic strategies, shaping the future of precision medicine.


Brief History of the Laboratory

  • 2000 Start of the Therapeutic Innovation pillar issued from UMR CNRS 8017 (Leech and mammals neuroimmunology)
  • 2004 Emergence of the Technological Innovation pillar as MALDI Imaging TEAM (MIT)
  • 2005 beginning of the collaboration on oncology between PRISM Department of Gynecology of Lille University Hospital (CHRU Lille)
  • 2011 INSERM unit U1192 Creation
  • 2013 Affilitation to Centre Oscar Lambret Clinicians start to join PRISM
  • 2023 Affilitation to Institute of Cancer Research of Lille 10 clinicians including surgeons, pathologists and oncologists have joined PRISM

Research Organization

The scientific ambition of PRISM remains to develop therapeutic solutions based on novel technologies to meet the clinical needs. This will be achieved by promoting a strong interplay and transversality between the two pillars. Thus, in a continuous scientific trajectory each of the pillars will be organized around 2 similar WPs addressing respectively the investigation of the tissue microenvironment (WP1) and the development of therapies (WP2).

The WP1 of pillar 1 (COSMIX) will be thus dedicated to the development of new tools to investigate the microenvironment, its heterogeneity with single cell- and spatial proteomic-based approaches.

The WP2 of pillar 1 (NEXTGENESIS) will be dedicated to the development of therapies for the next generation surgery including the robotization of the SpiderMass to tackle the challenge of minimally invasive surgery and its combination to a novel direct phototherapy that will be developed and enabling cell apoptosis in the area recognized by the SpiderMass. It will also cover the development of non-invasive diagnostic tools for large-scale early diagnosis of BC and based on the detection of Volatile vOrganic Compounds (VOCs) by Mass Spectrometry and last generation sensors.

Pillar 2, WP1 will be devoted to creating complex 3D models for drug and/or immunotherapy tests before preclinical essays on pet patients followed by clinical trials in human (BREASTMO), on one hand, and on the other hand, to investigating the role of nerve fiber in the tumor microenvironment and the involvement of tumor EVs in the crosstalk with the immune cells and in the brain metastatic niche in BC (NEUROCAN).

Lastly, Pillar 2 WP2 (CARMA, PRODIGY) will be tackling the development of novel immunotherapy and strategies to improve their efficiency.

PRISM is associated to the Department of Surgery and Cancer of Imperial College London (ICL) through a European Associated Laboratory (LEA LANCET) supported by Inserm and to the Department of Chemistry of Yale as an Inserm-ULille International Research Project (IRP GHOSTGLY).

PRISM has a join laboratory with the OCR company (www.oncovet-clinical-research.com/). This mixed private/public team (O’DREAMS, Oncological Driven associated Mass Spectrometry) is financially supported by the Regional Council of Hauts-de-France and EU through FEDER funding. O’DREAMS has led OCR to obtain a support from France Relance 2030 scheme.
PRISM also includes a core facility OrganOmics based on competences derived from technological innovations research of the lab. It includes 2 service platforms, one for mass spectrometry-based proteomics (MS4Omics) and a second one (3DCellOmics) for 3D cell culture models such as complex organoids with immune cells, fibroblast, microbiota or explants for drug efficiency tests and exosome studies such as for development of therapeutic agents or for diagnosis. The platform offers services to compagnies as well as academics. VVEDIT is a new emerging platform in OrganOmics dedicated to genome editing, transgenesis and viral vectors production.

Finally, PRISM developments have led to the creation of two spin-off companies, IMABIOTECH (MS imaging) in 2009 and in 2023 CELEOS (SpiderMass technology). A new spin-off CARMA on CAR-Macrophages biotherapy is under incubation as well.

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General organization


The PRISMU1192 laboratory is led by Professor Michel Salzet, with Professor Isabelle Fournier as Deputy Director. Each is responsible for a distinct research focus within the laboratory: Professor Fournier oversees the “Technological Innovations” research theme, while Professor Salzet is in charge of “Therapeutic Innovation.” Each research axis involves around twenty researchers, clinicians, engineers, and PhD students.

The PRISMU1192 laboratory also features a platform named “Organomics,” managed by Professor Fournier and co-coordinated by Dr. Marie Duhamel.
Additionally, the laboratory’s scientific research has led to the founding of two start-ups: Immabiotech (Aliri) and Celeos, with a third one currently in development.

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